Linux Archive
When its comes to security Linux is the first word comes in our mind. Hope you know that Linux is open source and thats makes it more flexible and secure and you can taste Linux in different flavour. BackBox Linux 4.1 is the new addition of this flavour or distro. Yesterday BackBox Linux 4.1 released
Good news for the Linux lover that after Linux Mint 17 Cinnamon and MATE, then Linux Mint 17 KDE, Linux Mint 17 “Qiana” Xfce is available for download. In the last a few days Linux mint developer has done a great hard work and finally they officially released Linux Mint 17 “Qiana” Xfce. Like other desktop environment Xfce
Here is a good news for Linux and Ubuntu lovers as Canonical has lunched their next version of Ubuntu 13.10 code name Saucy Salamander for both desktop and phones. Though their main target is development in phones so you will not much changes in desktop version. As their main target is development in phones. But
Ubuntu Edge , just store this name in your head as this phone is coming to rock the smart phone world. Yea its a monster smart phone ! What is best smart phone for your view ? iPhone 5, Samsung Galaxy S4 or HTC one ? I think this Ubuntu Edge will beat all of
If you have a Linux computer and want to play Windows game then then you can try this software named PlayOnLinux. If you are a softcore gamer then its nice otherwise shift to Windows. PlayOnLinux is software designed to Linux to run Windows Games or apps. PlayOnLinux is based in Wine , which is also
Mozilla just officially released their Firefox browser version 22 for all platforms including Windows, Linux, Mac and Android. In this version of Firefox 22 you will get lots of thing and Mozilla really worked hard. From 3D gaming to video call and file sharing are included in this Firefox 22. And the best things you
The latest version of your most favorite Linux distro Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail has been officially released today. So if you are thinking to install Ubuntu on a new machine then get the latest version of Ubuntu 13.04 or if you are running an Ubuntu PC then upgrade to Ubuntu 13.04. Like other previous version Ubuntu
Kali Linux is the new name in the field of hacking and cyber security !. Everyday thousand of cyber security is compromised and cyber security researchers are working hard to make it stronger to break or hack. To know the flaw of any website of o software you have to know the proper way of penetration
Linux Kernel 3.8.3 is released and available for download now. And you can easily upgrade your Linux system kernel by downloading and installing it. This download file applies to any Linux destroys like Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, BackTrack , opensuse etc. Feature of Linux Kernel 3.8.3 USB: Solve connected the device switch to Inactive state.USB: Disable EHCI
How To Install Ubuntu On A Android Device ?As Now if you have a Android device the you can install and run Ubuntu on it by Ubuntu Installer.But before downloading and installing please check is your device compatible in blog . Here is a list of the key features:Run Ubuntu within Android.Access to both Android & Ubuntu