
Opera Max Minimize Your Mobile Data Usage On Android Phone

Are you getting rid of mobile data usage by your Android phone? Does your Android phone is using too much internet data? Are you always turning of mobile data on your Android phone?

If your answer is yes, then read this whole article carefully. When you bought an Android phone what’s most scare you is your mobile data pack whether its 2G or 3G. And in Android phone if it’s not connected with Internet connection, then there is no value for Android phones. It’s a better to carry a normal phone than an Android phone without mobile data. You may have WI-Fi network in your home or office, but what you will do if a bus or train. So its always better to have an internet plan activated on your Android phone.

But if you have too many App installed on your phone then it will use too much data. And in a country where you have to pay र155. 00 for 1GB 2G data valid for 3odays. Mean its very costly mobile data pack in a country like India. So how to minimize your mobile data usage?

Opera has previously given us an awesome browser Opera Mini which use minimum data to access web. But what about using an Android app or YouTube?

Opera again comes with a great app Opera Max which you minimize mobile data usage on your Android Phone. According to them its saves up to 50% data. Mean at same price you can see 50% more data. If your 1GB data plan goes for 20days then now with using Opera Max your mobile data goes up to 30days at same cost. Basically Opera Max is free mobile data saving that uses most out of your data plan. It minimizes your mobile data usage.

So how do Opera Max works?

When you access different types of Apps on your Android phone it uses mobile data. Opera Max compress this data. Like if you access YouTube app, then Opera Max compress video data so that you can get more mobile data free. Like wise Opera Max compress music, text (WhatsApp) data.


So if you want to minimize your Mobile data usage, then it’s good to install the Opera Max beta on your Android phone. Its free apps.

Free Download Opera Max beta here

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Opera Max Minimize Your Mobile Data Usage On Android Phone


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