
How To Play PS4 Games Using Xbox One Controller [VIDEO]

Imagine You just bough A PS4 (as I always prefer Play Station console than Xbox ) and your uncle or relative gift you an Xbox One in this Christmas. So you obviously want to try Microsoft’s next generation gaming console Xbox One. But buying the same game for two different platforms is quite expensive and dull idea. But what if I tell you that now you can play PS4 games on Xbox One mean if you are bored with PS4 game controller or gamepad then play it using Xbox One’s gamepad. I know you are thinking that I am joking. How it can be possible to play a PS4 game on Xbox One? 

Play PS4 Gmae Via Xbox One

Yes! It’s possible as Xbox One support cable box where its work as a TV. So if you connect the HDMI Output of PS4 to the input of Xbox One then its work as a TV in Xbox One and you can perfectly play the PS4 Game via Xbox One. The new UI of Xbox One is like Windows 8 start screen so you will like it play on Xbox Ones’s interface. 

So You can play PS4 games on Xbox One console but the condition is you must have both PS4 and Xbox One. Tough its messy to power up both machines at a same time. But it’s a nice idea that if you have both PS4 and Xbox One then buy PS4 game so that you can also enjoy it on the Xbox one console.

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