
How To Enable YouTube’s New Transparent Player Look

YouTube has recently unveiled about their new transparency look of the player. This is a new thing you will be able to see and you will be surprised next time you visit According to YouTube they are working with redesign the looks of YouTube Player. It has been a long time we are watching the YouTube videos in the same frame. This time transparency look of the YouTube’s Player gives you a smooth and cool video watching experience.  But what special in this YouTube’s new transparency look? The fact is, now you will be able to see the video underneath the players UI. Another thing is, the Player’s UI get hidden automatically as soon as move the cursor from the frame. Again, bring the cursor in the frame, the UI will be displayed. This is the coolest feature that YouTube has introduced as a video streaming site.

But to see this new transparency look on YouTube, you need to enable this transparency player look of YouTube as this is in development mode and still rolling on. So if you want to check it out, then you have to enable YouTube’s New Transparency Player Look.

How To Enable YouTube’s New Transparent Player Look

For Firefox

Step 1: Open YouTube in Firefox browser and play any video

Step 2: Press Shift-F2

Step 3: Now you will get a command prompt

Step 4: Just type there this command and hit enter!



Step 5: Reload the page! You will see the new transparency look!


For Google Chrome

Step 1: Open Google Chrome and install this extension EditThis Cookie

Step 2: Play any YouTube video

Step 3: Now hit on  the button of EditThis Cookie icon

Step 4: Edit the cookie VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE by replacing its value with “Q06SngRDTGA” like this

Step 5: The click on the green tick to save! Now reload the page and see the changes!


So enjoy the new transparency player look of YouTube!

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