
Finally, Lenovo P780 8GB Got Kitkat 4.4 Update! Check it Out

Though Lenovo confirmed that they will provide Kitkat 4.4 update to Lenovo P780 8GB version, but we were in dark whether they will provide Jelly Bean 4.3 update from 4.2. But they make a jump from Android Jelly bean 4.2 to KitKat 4.4. Yes Lenovo officially launched the KitKat 4.4 update for Lenovo P780 8GB.

This is OTA or Over the air update. You can update your Lenovo P780 to Kitkat 4.4.2 from your Phone mean without connecting to PC. This update is from P780 _8G_ROW_S124_140403 to P780I_ROWS220_140722

This OTA update of Kitkat 4.4 for Lenovo P780 8GB is about 722MB. To update your Lenovo P780 8GB Jelly bean 4.2.2 to KitKat 4.4.2 just do this. Before updating make sure you have done a backup of phone storage files as in this process your phone storage will be completely formatted.

1. Go to settings

2. Then hit “About phone”

3. Now click “System Update”

4. Now you will see like this

5. Now click on Downlaod to download the update file.

After downloading just follow the ongoing guide to update. This process takes some time. So don’t press any key or force shut down while this process going on.  The good thing while downloading the update file is you can pause and resume it. So don’t panic if your internet connection goes wrong.


After updating your lenovo P780 8GB to KitKat 4.4 you will lots of changes. The first change is the boot animations. Lenovo added a cool boot animation in KitKat upgrade for Lenovo P780.

Not only boot screen there are lots of new things that you will be able to see on KitKat 4.4 upgrade for lenovo P780. Here I am going to give a brief discuss.

1 Home Screen or Desktop:


The default launcher in KitKat 4.4.2 for lenovo P780 8GB gives you a feelings like iOS. Yes there is no dedicated apps options. You can access all apps from the desktop. You just need to slide right or left and there will a dock with having call, contact, message and browser as like as iOS. This dock is pretty helpful as you can make call or sms anytime while checking apps, you don’t need to switch to home screen.

2.File Browser:

The main working function of this new file browser is pretty same with older one. But looks has changed. New UI looks cool.




3 Email app:  

This new app is pretty good and gives  a smell of Gmaill app.




4. Callender:   

In previous version of the JB calender that Facebook friend’s birthday was not showing though properly synced with Facebook. But this problem is fixed with this new Calender app.



5. Dialer:  


6 Notification Bar: 

This new notification bar is great. In the first slide down it just open the main main things. To expand it you to slide it down another time. And this notification tab is light transparent.



7 : Features:  

Lenovo added some new feature in this Kitkat 4.4 update for Lenovo P780 8GB like smart dialer , wide touch, Shake lock, Smart Call and Smart Sound.




So Lenovo has done really hard work. So if you are using Lenovo P780 8GB then upgrade it to KitKat 4.4.2 now.


If you face some bugs or problem in Kitkat s226 update and want to roll back to Jelly Bean then read this bellow post 

How To Downgrade Lenovo P780 To Jelly Bean From KitKat 


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Finally, Lenovo P780 8GB Got Kitkat 4.4 Update! Check it Out

How to Update Lenovo P780 8GB to KiKat 4.4.2

KitKat update for Lenovoi P780 8GB

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