
Check your Password leaked or not with Google Password Checkup

Sometimes we heard that some hacker has hacked a site and leaked all those user profile data including email id and password. This kind of data breach can take away your night sleep. Now we have thousands of account on different types of websites whether social media or any other and maximum time we use the same password for all those websites. So know whether your unique password been leaked or not Google has launched an extension for Chrome to check your password has been leaked or not.

This extension works as a database check. Mean if your any password has been leaked in any data breach which is known to Google then Google will alert you. If the data breach is unknown to Google then Google might not be able to help you.

To use this Google Password Checkup all you need to do is just download and install this extension on your Google Chrome browser from  Chrome web store. Now, whenever you will sign in or enter your credential on a website and if those credential has been leaked in any recent data breach as per Google’s knowledge then you will get the alert. You just need to reset or change the password.

In terms of your privacy to use such an extension according to Google

Password Checkup was built with privacy in mind. It never reports any identifying information about your accounts, passwords or device. We do report anonymous information about the number of look-ups that surface an unsafe credential, whether an alert leads to a password change, and the domain involved for improving site coverage.

So its better to have some tool for better security.

Download Google Password Checkup

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